Patient Portal

Welcome to the  Vyne Trellis patient portal login page for West Avenue Family Dentistry .

Electronic Health Records, or EHRs, are a computer based system of patient dental records that focus on the total health of you, the patient. Everything that had been written by hand is now entered into a computer. This secure EHR system permits access to certain areas of our office and to your Personal Health Information (PHI). It also enables our practice to share your dental information with other dental providers as needed.


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Advantages of the Vyne Trellis EHR System:

Have you ever been away from home and in need of dental care? Instead of undergoing needless tests, your primary dentist or your dental specialist will be able to send and receive dental information about you to other dentists, hospitals, labs and pharmacies. With access to your complete dental information, provided by the cutting-edge technology of an EHR system, patients will be able to receive quick, safe and appropriate dental care.

What the Vyne Trellis EHR System Can Do for You:

  • Improve the quality of your dental care by providing your dentist with information to diagnose and prevent disease
  • Save you time checking in with office reception
  • Send you an online reminder about your office appointments and tests
  • Eliminate the need for you to fill out the same dental forms at another dentist's office
  • Allow you to schedule or reschedule your appointments online
  • Provide you with a way to communicate directly online with your dentist
  • Send prescription and prescription renewals directly to your pharmacy from your dentists office
  • Give you the results of your laboratory or X-ray tests online
  • Give your dentist the ability to communicate with other specialists to develop a treatment plan and coordinate your dental care
  • Reduce errors in paperwork that sometimes occur in the office

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